Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Growth Spurt

So, I have been slacking on the blog arena... so here is a long overdue update:

As you might know from reading previous entries, I have been desiring more out of life for quite some time... and not in the sense of money - or a husband  - or kids or a house or cars - or things that most people put value on. But my heart has been growing and busting at the seems to DO HIS WILL for my life.  I have come to the point where I feel like I am gonna burst if I don't start doing something everyday that is for the Kingdom.  Working to simply pay bills is becoming old.  Understand - that I don't hate my job... but what I do is not glorifying God nor is it building the Kingdom -- and that is literally making my heart ache. 

I have asked God to give me a passion - and I think over this past year and a half he has been chipping away the rough edges around me and working on my heart...(there's so many more rough edges that need to come off, so I am bracing for some more changes) bringing me to this point of desiring Him so much.  I did not arrive at this point easily --- but I will say I truly could pick up and leave if He told me to pack my bags tomorrow. Or not even pack my bags - just go.   He has changed my heart so much - that I really don't care about "beauty and riches"... of course I like to look nice, read Instyle Magazine and hope to get a decent car in the near future - but those are just things.  I can't take them to Heaven and my trust and love and value is not placed on those things.   The enemy has tried to destroy me through my finances... and I am in the process of walking out my Victory over him --- but through that I've learned ALOT about what is truly important... and alot of how to Trust God by Tithing - its amazing what He will do and can do for you when you put Him first with that dirty green piece of paper we call money.

So anyways - I've been having a serious Spiritual growth spurt these days - and my heart aches for more... it aches to do great things. 

And so - I think after all of this - I am to write a book. I don't know what the title will be or the direction its supposed to go - but I am realizing that I am really good at putting my thoughts into words and expressing the Truth.   Recently (over the past several months) I've had random people email me on facebook (and here on my blog) - just to tell me that my status/blog updates are so encouraging to them and thanking me for sharing... that has spurred my passion.  To reach the people who already call themselves Christians and remind them that Christ didn't die just to save them from hell. He died to give them a life of Victory.  The Bible is full of His promises and I've experienced so many lately.  His love is amazing... chase after Him and everything else will be added unto you. [matt 6:33]

I do have a request though - because I am just as human as the next person. My life is not perfect and there are distractions and responsibilities that fill my time...  So I ask if you would partner with me in prayer?  My request is that IF you think of me (and when you do) that you'll just stop and say a quick prayer for me.  I am realizing I need to sit my butt down and write. Just start writing and let God do the rest. Pray that I will get focused and stay focused... and to write whether my flesh is "feeling" like it or not.  I don't want to waste this passion thats inside of me.  I don't want to waste this time He's given me... He's called each of us and I don't want to disappoint Him.

Thanks in advance for your prayers!