Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Let go and Let God

Recently I have been going through a period of needing to trust God. Like REALLY, fully leaning in on Him and trusting Him for everything.  Well, I am always in this "phase" I guess, but have really needed to lay my thoughts, my will, my logic, my planning, my worrying, my concerns, everything - down at His feet  and say "here - take it".  This is sooo very hard for my Type A personality. Although, in a way - its easier than trying to figure it all out. 

God says "go into missions" and I struggle with "planning" how I am going to make that happen. I say "but the finances aren't there", and come up with a plan to make the finances be there "faster". So I trust.

A friend struggles with an illness in her family - and I hear from God whats going on - but can't fully walk through the situation with her. That is sooo very hard. I pray, my heart fills with so much love it feels like it will explode, but at the same time feel so helpless.  So I trust. 

I think we are allowed these situations to be reminded that He really does have the World in His hands. That He really is in control. We are just a spec of dust. A dearly beloved spec of dust - but truly - our ways are not His ways. I am realizing that this process of trusting draws us closer to Him. To know Him more will allow ourselves to totally lean on Him for everything. 

My dear friend Julie has always said to me many a times when I needed to hear it:  Let Go and Let God.  At first, I thought this was a nice thing, "yep" I'd say "I need to stop trying to control the situation" but really wouldn't truly let go of it by still worrying or constantly thinking about it. But over time of her constantly reminding me of this - for which I'm thankful - I've gotten a deeper understanding.  Trusting.  Trusting Him doesn't mean I try to plan everything out so that it goes exactly how I want it to go.  (which is silly, because my way is usually never the best way).   Trusting Him doesn't mean I worry about a situation day and night and cause internal stress on my body. Trusting Him means letting go of it. Give it to Him to heal, to restore, to guide, to provide wisdom, to be the first One you turn to for everything - big or small - in your life.   Faith. Believing that He does have your best interest in mind, and will take care of your situation big or small.

I've needed to remind myself of this...He is more in control that I ever will be.  He is the Alpha and the Omega.  He knows how many hairs are on my head.  He knows how many stars are in the sky.  He knew me before I was born.  He has great plans for me.  The creator. The Almighty One. My Father. My King. My Savior.  His will is ALWAYS perfect. And has given me victory to come out on top every time.

So I will - let go and let God...


  1. great post, first time over and really enjoyed your post here. Trusting is something we sure have to have with faith don't you think? He is it, He is ALL...way to go, bless you.:)

  2. Thank you! I need to update this blog. God is doing lots of great things in my life. :)
