Monday, April 19, 2010


So a very dear good friend of mine recently invited me to her church. This past Sunday in fact, and I was radically renewed. As you've read in previous posts, I've been craving to grow deeper in God and being called into ministry. I have been continuing to pray and seek God's guidance in the choices I have before me and direction I should go. I am seriously considering YWAM Fire and Fragrance DTS, which is where I feel a strong pull for. They are starting a school in Harrisburg with Life Center Ministries Church -- which in turn, made me want to visit. This spurred a conversation that led me to visit my friends church this past Sunday (Church of the Word International) and in turn get radically renewed. I will spare you all the details, but in short, it was so refreshing to just worship God - for as long as we felt the Spirit lead, and to watch others come before him- dancing - praising - and claiming His goodness unashamedly. And to just hear the Word - straight up. Truth - taught without an outline to fill in, or from a series that someone else already taught - but to be taught straight from the prompting of the Holy Spirit. So good. [side note disclaimer - I do love the church that I've been attending for the past 9 years, but I'm "growing" out of it. Growing deeper, more Spiritually mature].

I have since then downloaded a series recommended to me from my friend from 2007 - called "Armor of God" (based on Eph 6). Today I listened to part 2 already and it was so eye opening for me. He made a statement that struck me, he said -- You don't have to wrestle against a defeated foe... if the devil can keep you wrestling with him, he'll keep you from enjoying your VICTORY! He also talked about shouting - in your house - in the shower - in your car - praises to God. Yes, we are not in a war against flesh & blood, but we are also not in a war with the enemy. We've already won. Like the pastor said - we don't fight with someone who's already defeated -- so why would we keep allowing the enemy to take our attention with things that are unimportant? I have several months ago myself, shouted - out loud for him to flee me, or I was going to kick him in the head - I was tired of him trying to torment my emotions. I then shouted scripture and Truth. Guess what? He moved on. Resist him - and he WILL FLEE from you. It was just so awesome to realize, that the enemy is just trying to occupy you by getting at your goods/health/whatever, because if he keeps you busy trying to "fight" him, you can't really move forward in the kingdom of God. But the Truth is, he's already defeated. And you've already won. This is a promise we can stand on!!!


  1. I just have to comment one more time....isn't it amazing as a child of our heavenly Father that we have so much power just in saying His name,JESUS!....we have so much power over the enemy because we have Him....
