I think when you ask God for certain things, such as patience, or "help me control my temper", I believe instead coming down and touching you on the head and saying "now you are a patient person"; He gives you the opportunity to practice patience. I recently decided to really study the fruits of the Spirit (in Galatians 5) and asked God which one I need to work on first. I think everything is a process and trying to fix them all - or make them better -- at the same time would be a waste of time. But He gently tugged me and said I should work on "Anger". Now that might surprise some of you who know me, and have never seen me get angry... but let me tell you there is a side of me that is not pretty. I've been known to get fired up at situations or people very easily in the past, and not always vocalizing my opinions but stirring inside and dwelling on how that person made me feel and what I'd really like to say to them to "give them a piece of my mind". Oh man, I am guilty of that. I also have been known to react instantly in a situation where one would feel "attacked". My heart would pound furiously and I would say the first thing that came to mind - igniting an argument to defend myself.
Well, I asked God to of course help me with this, "prune me" please I said. And He brought to my attention that He is slow to anger. (The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and loving-kindness. Ps. 103:8) *whew* "okay, I need to work on that" I say to myself, although, remember I did ask Him to help me. So of course, this week so far, I've been given multiple situations at home and at work to exercise my "slow to anger". It is not easy let me tell you. And the first couple times after I had "reacted" my Spirit stirred and said, try again. The next couple situations that came along of course, I did not react. I thought through the entire situation... it wasn't an attack on my character or who I am, but just in general... and after being "slow to anger", I didn't end up getting angry at all. But yet resolved the issue at hand with ease and with the other person telling me what a wonderful leader I am. Imagine that!
God's working in our lives every single second. He knows how many hairs are on our head (Matt 10:30) and all the little details of our lives, no matter how simple we think it may be. Know that no matter what you may be dealing with, He will help you. He hears you and desires you to reflect more of Him then more of the enemy, so He will step in and prune you.
Ask Him for whatever you need help with. But don't expect that to come without an opportunity for you to walk it out.
Mmm, I really love how you said that instead of touching you with a wand, God gives opportunities to practice patience. It took me a long time to recognize and learn this, but it's great to be reminded again.