Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jesus vs.Santa

I was chiming in on a friends facebook status post of a blog she wrote (read it here) and thought I'd share it here on my blog too. 

I was NOT raised in a Christian home. And was taught to believe in santa and his magical abilities to give gifts 1 night a year. I bought into it completely and in fifth grade got into an argument  with a friend who tried to tell me he isn't real. I came home that day from school and questioned my mom "is it true?" To my dismay she confirmed that my friend was right. And then I was told not to say anything to my younger sisters so that I didn't ruin it for them. Talk about disappointment and confusion that I had to keep lying to "bring joy" to my sisters at Christmas time. 

Then, at 18 I was saved - committed my life to Christ - through a friend in high school. After the realization that Christ is all we need - I questioned my friend of why santa was so prominent this time of year when Jesus is the real reason we celebrate this holiday.  I don't remember her answer at the time, but the more I grew in  my faith the more I realized its a tactic of the enemy. 

Christ tells us to have child like faith & at such a young age it was so easy for me to buy into santa. So much that I argued that his falseness was true. And then after I learned the truth there was major confusion when I accepted Christ. CONFUSION IS NOT FROM GOD. The whole santa thing is not a harmful story, but the Bible reminds us that he will disguise himself as an angel. Reaching children THROUGH their parents - to take up residence in their mind about the reason we celebrate this time of year is santa.  He leads them to believe tts all about being good so that you can get lots of toys = earthly treasures. A good enemy would love to distract you from the Truth so that he can come steal, kill, and destroy.

 Really HIS birth is why we celebrate this year - God giving us a Savior - DEFEATING the enemy. We are in the earth, but not OF it.

After learning the truth, I vowed that when I am privileged to have kids of my own that I would not entertain the idea of santa. Kudos to those of you who keep the truth clear this time of year - keep being different. 

JESUS is why we celebrate this time of year. :)

I'd love to hear your thoughts, opinions and experiences, so feel free to share!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life is Precious

Ever experience a miracle? big? small? and I'm not talking "its a miracle I survived this math test, man that was hard!"  I'm talking a REAL miracle. From God.  My sister Dianna is a walking miracle.

Let me tell you the story. First of all - she's 21. The youngest of the family - and the first one to give my parents grandchildren.  She has a beautiful little girl - Chasity (who I adore as if she was my own) - who at the beginning of June was getting ready to turn two.  In one of my previous posts you saw that I had the privileged of getting to spend the day with Chasity on my birthday.  Turned out - Dianna hadn't been feeling good and so my mom ended up taking her to the hospital for tests. To their surprise they found out she was 5 weeks pregnant.  Hence the nausea and fatigue.  A couple weeks later, she was feeling better and we had Chasity's 2nd birthday party as planned. Friends and family attended - we had cake, swam, and enjoyed the beginning of summer. Life was good.

Dianna on the day of Chasity's birthday party.

Little did we know our lives as a family were about to completely change.

The weeks after that started to spiral downhill - but not to our knowledge.  Dianna had continued to not feel well, with throwing up and not eating, losing weight and becoming dehydrated. She was also having sharp pains in the back of her legs and side. Her husband (Rick) took her to several different doctors who continued to tell her that it was morning sickness and that she needs to keep hydrated.  However, something else was clearly happening.

My parents had left for a cruise, while I was at home to care for the dogs, and since Dianna didn't feel well she stayed with my grandparents while her husband worked in Hummelstown for the week. I just couldn't handle all of them at the house by myself. (blessing #1)

On Wednesday she finally asked my Nan to take her to the hospital cause she just wasn't feeling right. So she took her to Womens & Babies and was admitted.  After several tests they diagnosed her has having walking pneumonia and her left lung was filled with fluid. They began treatment to drain the fluid so that she could breath again - which at this point was clearly not easy for her - and to kill the virus safely without harming the baby growing inside. She showed signs of improvement - breathing became better and said that she should fully recover from the pneumonia.  So the following Tuesday she was discharged from Womens & Babies - being told that she was fine. She was given an inhaler for times where she felt it was hard to breath and antibiotics to take care of the virus.

By then, my parents were home from the cruise, and my mom wanted her to stay with us vs. going back to her apartment while Rick was away (blessing #2) so that we could help take care of her. 

Wednesday morning will forever be etched in my brain. (remember this is the VERY NEXT DAY from being discharged from womens & babies). At the time, I was working just outside of philly - so I had to get up at the butt crack of dawn for work. My least favorite thing to do, but to avoid traffic, it was a must.  However, that morning I was having a hard time getting out of bed (blessing #3) for some reason. I just did not want to get up. So, I decided I was going to be late that day and just didn't care.

By the time I came out of my room, my mom was quietly running around getting herself ready to go for work as well.  I noticed when I got up - Dianna's bedroom door was open and thought to myself that it was odd she was awake so early.  And I thought she was in the bathroom, but when she wasn't, I thought she must have been downstairs.  I started to get myself ready - the usual - brush teeth, washing my face etc. Get a drink.  I heard my mom running around still, and I shut the bathroom door so that I wouldn't wake Chasity up in my stupor. (I tend to be clumsy early in the morning) I forgot something to tie my hair back with and went back to my room to get it - past Dianna's - and noticed she hadn't come back upstairs yet and thought it was odd that she was down there for so long, but again I was half awake, so I didn't think too long on that thought.

I shut the bathroom door again and began running the hot water to wash my face... I heard some odd sounds that sounded like moaning and then our dogs started to bark like crazy because the baby gate was keeping them from getting downstairs.  About mid-stream of washing the cleanser off of my face I hear my mom SCREAMING my name. I grabbed the hand towel opened the door and yelled "what?" back to her. She said (which will forever be haunting words for me to hear) "Call 911!"

Talk about coming out of a stupor quickly. I think this was the first time I've had a TRUE adrenaline rush.  Something that causes you to move, speak and do without you even thinking.  I didn't think twice or hesitate and I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. 
"911 dispatcher, does your emergancy require ambulance, or fire truck?"
"and can you explain to me the situation?"
as I fumbled down the steps so fast I couldn't believe I didn't fall. "I am not sure, my sister was going to the bathroom and now she is laying on the floor not responding to us."
"how old is she?"
Tell them she's pregnant
"and she's pregnant. she was just discharged from women's and babies hospital. they were treating her for walking pnemonia"  (I probably didn't say it that calmly - I remember yelling alot)
Her eyes are fixed. She's not responding to me, she's barely breathing (as mom proceeds to yell her name)
"She's hardly breathing and her eyes are fixed, as if she's having a seizure."
She's turning white
"She's not responding and turning white, she's barely breathing."
She stopped breathing! Dianna! Dianna! Stay with me! Its mom! Stay with me!
"She stopped breathing!!! Where is the ambulance!?" (I was really scared and yelling alot at this point)

At this point, I don't remember much more of the conversation with the dispatcher except for the occasional - where is the ambulance outbursts. Althougt she did a good job at remaining calm with me on the phone.

Dianna's face turned completely blue - her heart stopped beating and my mom immediately started doing CPR.  Her eyes were glassy and were fixed straight above on the ceiling.  WORST EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE EVER.  I felt like I was going to throw up as my mom was doing CPR - so many emotions flowing through me - along with the adrenaline.  She had medically died.  Right there on our floor just outside the bathroom. I was so stunned I couldn't even pray. I was still on the phone with the dispatcher - cause they really don't hang up until help is there and I heard her say those blissful words "they should be pulling in right now."  I screamed to my mom "the ambulance is here!" and ran to the front door to let them in and direct them where to go. "Hurry! She's downstairs, she's not breathing or has a heartbeat!"

From there, the dispatcher let me go and the dogs barking when the ambulance arrived had woken up Chasity (amazing she slept through the whole ordeal - blessing #4) - so I immediately ran upstairs to get her as I hoped the paramedics could resuscitate Dianna. A whole crew of medical help flooded inside - and flashing vehicles lined up outside our house.

I didn't want Chasity to see Dianna like that, or she was certain to be upset, so I got her to focus on the emergancy vehicles outside with all their "pretty lights" as I could hear things frantically happening downstairs.

Finally I heard them say they got her heart going again and that they were on their way into the hospital. I watched them as they rolled her out on the gurney through the garage door and noticed they were breathing for her.

My mom flew up the stairs to get dressed (cause remember, we were getting ready for work - both of us were still in our pajamas).  She was going to follow the ambulance into the hospital - since she wasn't ready to walk out the door.

There are so many more details I could tell you - but short version - it was immediately quiet after they all left (and mind you - this all happened at 6:30 in the morning) so life was just "waking up" and getting ready for the day around us.

I. was. shaking. adrenenline was wearing off and I thought I was going to pass out.

Thankfully - God has surrounded me with an amazing church family and friends who are believers - I contacted them via text message to ask for prayers - because I was so shook up/stunned/frozen with emotion that I didn't know how to pray.  It was in my heart and head - it just wouldn't come out.

After they left, I didn't know what was happening - and so I asked my aunt who lived close by to come over and be with me. Finally after caring for my niece (who obviously knew something was going on) - we packed up the car, with my other aunt who came over and we went into the hospital.

On the way there my step brother called me "get here now, they are giving her the last resort!" "what?" "They are giving her the last resort - of medication".  I couldn't talk to him cause I felt like I was going to throw up again, so I hung up on him. We were also pulling into the parking garage at that time. Shaking - I made my way up to the ICU and found her room.  Different family members gathered around - and me demanding to know what was going on.   She wasn't responding well to treatment - and not breathing on her own - and suddenly her blood pressure dropped.  So they gave her the "last resort". If this special medication - that they hate giving to patients cause its so not the safest - didn't do anything - she wasn't going to make it.  stunned. again.  but this time - the fight in me rose - and I REFUSED TO GO TO A FUNERAL AT THE END OF THAT WEEK. refused. I didn't care how many people were allowed in her ICU room and I barged in and grabbed her hand. silently praying -cause I still didn't have words - but Rick's cousin was there praying over the end of her bed - out loud.

I then went to my mom and gave her a hug. and then the tears came. and I let loose. all the emotion that had built up came flowing out. I am not a pretty crier and I was LOUD. bawling in her ICU room - embraced in my mom's arms.  It felt so good to release the myriad of thoughts, feelings and everything flowing inside of me.

That "last resort" medication worked and her blood pressure came back up and stabilized.
 There was a series of ups and downs, but for the sake of this being long already - I will say she was breathing again on her own by the third day and started to wake up from being unconscious.  She didn't remember anybody when she first came to and went through a time of re-learning to eat and talk - but made vast improvements in a short period of time.  One of her doctors (cause she had a specialist for everything) even got teary-eyed and stated that she was a miracle that she had survived. I am not sure of his beliefs, but I know for a fact the the Lord has a great plan for her and will use her in the future.

She is not the same person. She is a stronger, sweeter, wiser women and I am excited to grow with her and pour into her spiritually.

Oh - and remember she was pregnant? Yeah - miracle #2 - she survived!  Her name is Elliana Angel Grace and due to arrive January 18th, 2012. I can't wait to meet her and pour into her life as well.

God is good, alive and still performing miracles today folks. There's so much more to this story- but it will have to be in a separate post. 

Jesus is alive and desires your heart. Let Him in. Life is short. Life is Precious. 
Photo shoot with Nicola Herring. I introduced Dianna as the "walking miracle"

Monday, September 26, 2011

Fresh Start

So, last Monday I posted on facebook "I like Mondays... weird? I know."  yep, you read that right. I like Mondays.  I got some interesting responses as I thought I would - but surprised I didn't get any negative. One friend told me I should see a doctor about that... which made me laugh.

I know for most people, they get that "sick tummy dread" on sunday nights prior to going to bed. Cause they're totally not looking forward to going to work the next day.

But Monday's are a fresh start. for me anyways. I guess to each his own, but I view it as another day/week to make a difference in this world.  A new week to progress further - in your career, your relationships - and most importantly spiritually.  When you are chasing after things that are worthy of your time and energy - it is satisfying getting up - get going and seeing what the Lord holds for you that day. 

Truth be told - I haven't always had that attitude - but this past year has been an interesting one - life lessons learned and moments I never want to repeat.  But through it all - God has revealed to me time and time again His LOVE,  His GRACE and PRESENCE. He truly has a plan for each one of us - and I've learned lots of faith lessons - that I should go back and write down to share the stories of His glory.  But I've learned to step back and take ONE DAY AT A TIME - especially after my sister almost died.  I had to - mentally couldn't handle thinking a few hours ahead even in the same day.

But back to what I was saying - He has blessed me with an incredible career opportunity to which I am super thankful for.  Which has allowed me to look forward to going to work - cause I am passionate about it.  So get passionate about something - and maybe you'll start to like Monday's too.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

3rd Decade of my life starts right. now.

So, today I hit a new decade. And I have to be honest - at first - I was not excited about no longer being in my twenties. Not at all. In fact, I decided I wasn't going to think about it anymore until it got closer to the time. Someone even tried to cheer me up by letting me know that 30 is the new 20. :)  And then eventually - something shifted. I venture to say that it was my time spent with the Lord, and the more I pressed into Him - the more blessings around me started to be revealed. And eventually I realized that even though my twenties were rough at times. . . and even my teens (which is a long story for a different time) - that my life was finally starting to "come together". In the sense that I was walking on solid ground. I will spare you the details - but basically - I have build my house on solid rock.  My foundation is firm and when I look to Jesus I realize my 30's are going to be some of my best years yet!  Not necessarily easy or a cake walk - I may be in a position of strength in many area's of my life now - but that doesn't mean hardship won't come my way. But man - more than ever am I in Love with Jesus - and so looking forward to what He has in store for me this next decade. Many people thought the world was going to end May 21st because of a guy who was obsessed with numerology... I lean towards false prophet - but I do feel bad for him, because he is so sucked into the lies that he really believes he has it figured out.  The enemy has him so distracted with figuring it out - He is no longer (or never was really) in a pursuit of God's heart.  But anyhow - my point in saying that is - while people were frantic about judgement day coming - I continually had a peace. A peace that definitely passed all understanding and so I was careful of how I approached that subject with believer's and unbelievers. and oddly enough - it was always easier to talk to the unbelievers about the future of our world. but my point is - my birthday was approaching - and I knew in my heart of hearts - that God still has great plans for me. Plans to bring healing to many many people that I come in contact with everyday. I knew in my heart of hearts that 30 and beyond are going to be some of my most glorifying to God years.  And so - I'm jacked.

In the past couple of weeks God has already brought 4 new friendships into my life - that I am looking forward to nurturing and getting to know. Some single. Some married... it doesn't matter. They all need the love of Christ. I have been blessed by all of them - and I am sure there is going to be many memories made in the future with them. Celebrating marriages, kids, jobs, life... etc.

But today - I spend the day with an old friend. We were friends in high school - but actually became closer during college - even though we didn't go to the same school. (she went to messiah - I went to pbu) And ever since we've been best friends. Our lives took different directions - but we still remained close and in touch. And for her 30th birthday - we went to NYC (which was in december - right before new years eve - yeah it was crowded and cold!) So for my birthday we were going to go up again - when it was warm.  I even invited a bunch of other friends - however, it didn't work for anyone to go. I admit - I was really disappointed at first. But honestly - it became a blessing to just stay home and hang out.  I had been going so hard day after day for two weeks prior that it was great just being able to catch up on  some sleep and just rest. I also in a turn of events, last minute found out I would get to have my niece. What a privilege. I love her as if she were my own and to spend my special day with her as well was such a blessing. My friend Kristin (along with her daughter) took me out for lunch - we had hibachi (my first time), went to the grocery store to get stuff to make sangria's, played outside in the baby pool (the girls, not us), had dinner, watched a movie and painted our nails. We had a fabulous day!  Some would say thats not very exciting way to spend it -- but I think relationships and spending time with the ones you love is one of the most precious gifts. Time is something you can never get more of. You can always have more clothes, make more money, see more movies - but you will never get back your time. You will never get back the last however many minutes it took you to read this. Its precious. So to me - I had a fabulous day.  Here are a few pics of us ringing in a new decade in my life.  Enjoy!